Ecommerce Platform Migrations & Builds

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Expert Ecommerce Solutions Since 2004

Command C has been at the forefront of ecommerce site migration and development since 2004. Our extensive experience has equipped us with deep insights into the common pitfalls of ecommerce transitions, allowing us to optimize and streamline your move to the best platform efficiently.

Identifying the Right Platform

We approach every client’s business uniquely, understanding their specific pain points and long-term goals. Drawing from our years in ecommerce, we assess potential platforms through a lens tailored to your needs. This ensures we recommend solutions that align perfectly with your business objectives, enhancing site longevity and performance.

Design and development approach

Our thorough discovery and planning stage means we get it right the first time. We take a lean approach to site builds and migrations – aiming to help you define a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) to get you to market quickly and efficiently. Once your site is live, you can begin collecting valuable qualitative and quantitative data that we encourage clients to use as the foundation of their optimization plan. For this reason, we often encourage clients to look at their project in phases.

Command C’s unique strategy focuses on an escalated design phase to get you to market quickly. We approach design in a couple of different ways, depending on what makes the most sense for your business. Regardless of the decided upon tactic, we always spend your time and money well. We place our emphasis on what we do best, while being clear about what we don’t do.

Option 1: Start with a solid foundation and customize as necessary
In a perfect world, ample time and budget allow for a thorough design phase. However, practical considerations such as timeline and budget often favor a more streamlined approach.

To maximize efficiency, we often begin by leveraging a pre-existing theme as a foundation. This approach enables us to quickly assess and customize themes to align with your business’s unique needs, both frontend and backend. We collaborate closely with you to ensure the site’s design reflects your brand identity, integrating customizations that enhance user experience and maintain consistency. Additionally, we develop a pattern library that facilitates seamless future updates in accordance with your style guide, ensuring a cohesive and evolving customer experience.

Option 2: Custom Development
At Command C, our developers are adept in UX best practices and possess a keen eye for effective design. We collaborate seamlessly with your creative team to bring your envisioned site to life, whether from provided designs or inferred from branding guidelines.

While we excel in UX and CX considerations, it’s important to note that Command C specializes in technical execution rather than branding or creative services. Should you require additional creative expertise, we’re happy to recommend one of our trusted partners.

Collaborative Approach to Maximizing ROI
We work closely with clients to evaluate the benefits and challenges of each approach in alignment with your budget and timeline constraints. This collaborative decision-making process ensures the chosen solution is strategically positioned to maximize return on investment.

Iterative Development Process
Throughout development, transparency and client collaboration are fundamental. We conduct frequent reviews to keep you informed of progress, allowing for iterative adjustments and informed decision-making. This approach minimizes risks and ensures the final product meets your expectations.

Driving Business Success
The outcome of our tailored approach is a robust foundation for your business—flexible, automated, and optimized for efficiency and profitability. Command C-built sites consistently deliver increased ROI, empowering you to focus on scaling your business and achieving long-term growth objectives without technical impediments.

Revenue has consistently gone up since the engagement began.

– Greg Lellouche, No Man Walks Alone