Optimize Email Capture for Ecommerce

November 21, 2023 3 minute read

Transcript: Optimize email capture for ecommerce

Today we are talking about email capture for e-commerce. You’re going to learn about some statistics about the current state of e-commerce email. You’re going to get some tips on how to improve your popups and other strategies for capturing email. And you’ll get some inspiration.

The current state of email appears that it is not slowing down. We’re seeing from Litmus as of 2021, they were saying that 37% of brands are actually increasing their email budget. and a small percent, just 1.3% are actually making cuts. 33% of marketers are sending weekly emails, 26% are sending emails multiple times a month. That’s according to Databox. Stores are still using email within their marketing strategy. It’s not slowing down at all. From Salecycle, we have two important stats. They found that 50% of people buy from marketing emails at least once a month, and 59% of respondents to their survey said that marketing emails have influenced their purchases. Even if you’re not seeing people directly buying from your newsletters or your automated flows, you don’t see that direct click, emails can have an influence even if it’s later down the line.

As for tips for your email capture, you want to keep the form simple. You don’t need to be asking for additional information like name or location. Try to keep it as simple as possible with email, and you can follow up later and get additional information when you send out your emails. Test out the behavior and the frequency of your popups. When should they be appearing? How often? AB test the incentives, see what discounts work, if you even need to be offering a discount. And don’t forget about SMS. Your email popups don’t have to just be about email, you can also be collecting SMS as I’ll show later. Here for Bonobos. Rather than having a pop-up, they have a get 25% off notice in their header. Very simple and clean, not intrusive. You can click on that and it takes you to a page for a refer a friend offer, and then a new customer, 15% off.

You can also play around with visuals. These popups are very on brand for the store. They stand out a lot. It really grabs your attention. It’s very clear what you are getting by signing up through the popup, you’re getting 10% off. Play around with different visuals. AB test what to display. As you can see here, it’s different between mobile and desktop. They’re not trying to cram everything into mobile as that would make the popup too overwhelming. Also, consider playing around with Social Proof. This site and their footer, typically we see email signups in the footer are pretty generic. Here, they include a quote from an email subscriber mentioning how much they love the emails. That could help somebody want to sign up and see what they’re referring to.

Next we have some inspiration about different types of offers. Here for Bloom, you can see you get a mystery discount. They blur out the discount so you can get up to 20% off and free return. Visitors might be curious about what kind of discount they could get. And then over here for Black Ember, you can see they’re not doing a direct discount offer. They’re offering members only Black Friday deals. Consider when you need to be offering a discount, if you need to be offering one, and what other kinds of incentives you can offer like this member’s only Black Friday deal.

And lastly, don’t forget about SMS. You can ask visitors in the first stage of the popup for their email to sign up for whatever incentive you’re offering. And then on the next step, you can ask for additional information like their phone number so that you can also contact them via text message. A visitor, you already got them into your email list, and now you can get some additional information in another way to communicate with visitors and customers. These are just a few ideas for your email capture for e-commerce. Hopefully you got ideas here to test out, and I’ll see you in the next video. Thanks.