Top Reasons for Cart Abandonment, #6: “When will I receive my item?” sellers know that their seller rating depends on how well they communicate the shipment of their products. Their seller score can quickly drop if they fail to add tracking information to their sales. We encourage all shop owners to have a system in place to keep your customers well informed and, well, you’ll keep your customers.

Be sure to indicate the estimated time of product arrival as soon as you possibly can in the purchasing process. Let’s take a look at an example. I want to buy some boots over at After I added them to the cart and clicked open the perpetual cart, I was given an estimated time of arrival as well as shipping options:

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Amazon does not wait to inform customers of delivery time. Additionally, they offer a ton of control over when I can expect to receive my item. As a shopper, this is one of my most favorite features.

What are you doing to let your visitors know just when their item will be shipped and received?